# Hack 1

# Variable 1 is an integer

# Variable 2 is a string

# Variable 3 is a list

# Variable 4 is a Boolean
# Hack 2 - I accidentally personalized all the variable!!!

# Variable 1

luckynumber = 3

#Variable 2

favfood = "pasta"
ingrediant = " flour"
print(favfood + (" is my favorite food and it is made of") + (ingrediant))

#Variable 3

favAnimals = ["dolphin", "dog", "cow", "parrot", "peacocks"]
print(favAnimals[1] + (" is the cutest animal of my favorite"))

#Variable 4

PhysicsisHard = True
print(str(PhysicsisHard)+ (", Physics is not easy"))

#Hack 2 with JSON

import json
favAnimals = ["dolphin", "dog", "cow", "parrot", "peacocks"]
m = json.dumps(favAnimals)
pasta is my favorite food and it is made of flour
dog is the cutest animal of my favorite
True, Physics is not easy
<class 'list'>
["dolphin", "dog", "cow", "parrot", "peacocks"]
<class 'str'>