Blog / article on you and team

reflection on glows/grows from your demo

Our demo displayed the functioning of the login page and the ability to click on certain songs and be able to redirect to a page with only the song being displayed allowing us to play a part of the song. We were able to make the create a playlist button to work but we have yet to figure out how to make the google form format to work to create a playlist due to a CORS error. People enjoyed listening to the variety of songs but some feedback we received was to make it look personalized by using different color schemes and to make it unique from spotify.

from feedback, something you will add to individual CPT project

Based on our feedback, something I want to add is be able to allow users to like specific songs they enjoyed and that should allow all the like songs to compile into its own playlist. We also got feedbakc to make our play button more appealing because the current design of it doesn’t make it look appealing.

visuals or pics of team and people you talked

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Blog on event

something you saw in CompSci that impressed

I saw anika B’s project and found it quite interesting as it was interactive and unique. Their project was to make a book review platform where you can review and browse on books. I liked that fact she implemented her login page feature after learning about it. Alt text

something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked

Alt text I went o the ceramics area because since i took ceramics last year i was interested in seeing other student’s projects and it was really cool.