
Update Blog to contain all hacks. Review week with Pair and look ahead and start plan for next week. Try to be done and learn your machine before Monday EOD.

  • A laptop, that you bring to class every day with ability to operate Development Tools on it or within the Cloud.
  • GitHub Account, VSCode will be used to push/pull changes. GitHub is where we store and share code in the cloud, think of Google Docs but for Code.
  • GitHub Pages will be used to host your personal blog: containing notes, answering hacks, and showing tangibles. Building pages will teach Markdown, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.
  • Jupyter Notebooks will be used in conjunction with GitHub Pages to build running Code in your blog.
  • Slack Account, install the App on Laptop and/or phone, get used to reading announcements. Slack is the tool that we will use for messaging, we have been averaging 1000s of essages each year.
  • VSCode is the code editor we will be using in this class. VSCode is more than and editor, this type of tool is often called an Interactive Development Environment (IDE).
  • Run make commands to build and test blog locally, before pushing changes to GitHub pages.
  • Clone student repository due to the new changes and updated version with modified customization of website
  • Create a Lab Notebook
  • Create a snake game and calculator
  • JS Output jquery
  • Emoji Print
  • Mean Algorithm
  • JS input
  • Python Quiz
  • Chose from either: Option 1. Add to the lessons and making code cells and hacks for better breakdown and understanding, or Option 2. Combine all the concepts/requirements into something unique and you feel is awesome.
  • Song Search
  • Python Dictionary
  • Lessons for Song Search and Dictionary