• Peer Grading: Prakruti’s Passion Project

    USAGE OF: -Frontend -Backend -API -Agile

HOOK: 3.6 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: The application looked appealing and used a different theme to make it different and unique

KNOWLEDGE: 3.6 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Could have further incorporated a developed API to update the languages of the countries

VALUE: 1 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: It is a useful tool in order to being informed about the languages spoken in the countries

WOW FACTOR: Reason: It is a very creative and user-friendly interface

SCORE: 8.2/9

  • Peer Grading: Tanisha’s Passion Project

    USAGE OF: -Frontend -Backend -API -Agile

HOOK: 4 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: The application looked very appealing and displayed unique features that made it very fun to use

KNOWLEDGE: 4 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Seemed very well informed and had thorough understanding of what was implemented into the project

VALUE: 0.9 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: It doesn’t hold significant value and use but it is very unique

WOW FACTOR: Reason: It is a very creative and very fun application

SCORE: 8.9/9

  • Peer Grading: Tanuj’s Passion Project

    USAGE OF: -Frontend -Backend -API -Agile

HOOK: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: The frontend looks visually creative and has cool features

KNOWLEDGE: 4 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Your group seems well informed about the API’s and javascript, and python used

VALUE: 1 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: It is a useful tool to find out the recipes and ingredients for certain meals

WOW FACTOR: Reason: It was a very cool implemented idea

SCORE: 8.8/9