Weather Application Project Plan

Project Overview:

Our project aims to create a user-friendly weather application that allows users to input a location and receive accurate weather information. The application will utilize various APIs and coding techniques, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS for the frontend, and Flask and Python for the backend.

Project Team:

  • Product Owner & Scrum Master: Drishya Mody
  • Frontend Developers: Tanvi Pampati
  • Backend Developers: Anagha Ashtewale
  • DevOps- Miheer Purandare

Project Timeline:

  • Phase 1: Planning and Setup
    • Define project scope and requirements
    • Set up frontend repository and backend Flask portfolio
    • Research and choose appropriate weather APIs
  • Phase 2: Frontend Development
    • Create basic UI layout for weather application
    • Implement user input functionality for location
    • Integrate API calls for weather data retrieval
    • Design user-friendly display for weather information
  • Phase 3: Backend Development
    • Set up Flask for handling API requests
    • Implement data processing and formatting for frontend consumption
    • Establish data caching mechanisms for improved performance
  • Phase 4: Integration and Testing
    • Combine frontend and backend components for seamless functionality
    • Conduct extensive testing for data accuracy and application stability
  • Phase 5: Refinement and Deployment
    • Gather user feedback and make necessary UI improvements
    • Optimize codebase for scalability and performance
    • Deploy the application on a cloud platform for public access

Project Repository Structure:

  • Frontend Repository:
    • HTML files for UI structure
    • JavaScript files for user interactivity
    • CSS files for styling and design
  • Backend Repository:
    • Python files for Flask implementation
    • API handling scripts for data retrieval
    • Data processing modules for frontend consumption

Project Deliverables:

  • Fully functional weather application with a user-friendly interface
  • Documentation detailing the application’s features, APIs used, and deployment instructions
  • Presentation slides highlighting the development process and challenges faced

Risk Management:

  • Potential API limitations or restrictions
  • Unexpected delays in frontend-backend integration
  • User experience discrepancies across different browsers and devices

Communication Plan:

  • Regular team meetings twice a week for progress updates and issue resolutions
  • Instant messaging platform for quick communication and issue discussions
  • Email updates for any major decisions or changes in the project scope


By following this project plan, we aim to develop a reliable and user-friendly weather application that meets the requirements of our Computer Science Principles class. Our team is dedicated to delivering a high-quality product within the specified timeline and ensuring a smooth user experience for our application.