CollegeBoard Exam Corrections

2020 Practice exam: 64/67

  • below are my reflection and information about the questions I got incorrect.

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My answer: D, These inputs will produce a false and a true which will overall make an output of false

Correct Answer: C, These inputs will allow both outputs to be true making an overall output of true.

Reflection: Understanding AND OR statements would guide me to answer the question correctly.

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My answer: B

Correct Answer: A

Reflection: I am not as familiar with the binary numbers format and how to read it, due to that I got the answer wrong. To not repeat this mistake, I can try to learn how to read binary numbers and how the order of the 1s and 0s make an effect.

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My answer: C and D, these code segments initilizes to 0 and loops it to be at 1, producing false outputs

Correct Answer: A and B, These code sgements resetted the count back to 0 after each run.

Reflection: I wasn’t able to interpret how to read these code segments as I didn’t fully understand which part had to be read first and which segments would be looped.

FINAL REFLECTION: The recent team teaches has helped me understand and learn new concepts that are clearly tested on the collegeboard practice exams. Taking a practice exam last trimester to this trimester showed signficant improvement as I learned new concepts and its applications. The areas that I’m not as familiar with are binary and AND/OR statements as I have less experience with it. To improve my score I need to have more practice and familiarity with the format of the questions and what the intention of the question is. If watch some collegeboard videos regarding these topics I will have formed a better understanding of these areas and hopefully will allow me to perform even better.